Re: disturbing view of adaptation

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Posted by Tyleical on December 30, 1996 at 12:57:44:

In Reply to: disturbing view of adaptation posted by Chris Woolston on December 30, 1996 at 11:07:35:

: I heard a remarkable account of adaptation
: on a Christian radio station the other day. I don't know
: who the speaker was, but the program was sponsored by
: the Institute for Creation Research. He said that God
: knows precisely what levels of pollution and habitat
: destruction every plant and animal will face, and He gave
: all life-forms the ability to respond accordingly.
: (Apparently He deemed many life-forms expendable).
: As an example, the speaker noted that some forms of
: bacteria eat petroleum. Clearly, God has everything
: under control.

: I don't listen to Christian radio very often, so I
: don't know if this is a common line of reasoning. The
: implications are very disturbing, so I hope this view is not
: widespread.

Hello Chris;

I too sometimes (though not often) listen to Christian talk radio for its entertainment value. And I too am disturbed by this sort of nonsensical reasoning. I seriously doubt that these few individuals converse with their God in the manner necessary information exchange. These people
speak with pompous grandiloquence about things uncheckable, and those who are ignorant will follow. They will be a menace to human inquiry as long as there is anti-intellectualism present, which seems to be the way of a lot of our society. "Well, let's stop looking... this person has the answer!" I'm especially sorry to see it, given that I'm soon to be part of the questionably failed Science education system. Critical thinking skills are often neglected in secondary science-ed. and, as there are no courses in philosophy at this level, that skill is not acquired by most. The station that I listen in on has some of the most insensitive, military-talking, acid mouthed people you'd ever want to hear. AND, these people are God's chosen! Well.......................

Incidentally, I find it rather perplexing why people who read the word of Genesis, understand it, and adopt it into their world outlook would try to study the mind and plans of God, given his irritation and subsequent punishment of those who would partake of the Tree of Knowledge. I am frequently awe-struck and numbed by the people like you mention!

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